
User Personas
user personas
In the ideation phase I create user personas based on real people who will actually use the application. This gives me a better understanding of user goals, motivations, and pain points and significantly enhances usability.
I begin every UX design with pencil and paper in hand. Sketching enables me to quickly try out my ideas and respond instantly to feedback. It also makes the wireframing process faster and more efficient.
Using Axure, Balsamiq, and Photoshop I have created annotated wireframes that help visualize requirements and communcate design decisions. Frequently I transform wireframes into high-fidelity prototypes that capture the look and feel of an application and give a truer representation of the user experience.

Information Architecture
information architecture
Tracing the end-to-end flow of information brings order and clarity to complex applications. By labelling, grouping, and ordering information I create a standardized nomenclature and draw relationships between content areas so users can find their way around the application easily and efficiently.
Interactive Prototypes
interactive prorotypes
I design interactive prototypes to help stakeholders provide instant feedback, which frequently reveals usability issues or other areas that need improvement. Doing this well before the development phase saves time and avoids costly rework.
UX Deliverables
ux deliverables
I have created a wide variety of UX deliverables, including heuristic and accessibility reviews, content inventories, and UI specifications. My experience has shown that documentation facilitates development decision-making and helps build consensus among team members.